Tuesday, May 7, 2013


No I'm not going to start a rant. I just finished watching a video in the University as part Islam awareness week. The description on the flyer made me think it was going to be a lecture by a main speaker about abortion- like it was yesterday. Instead they played an under-budget film with substandard actors with a plot line composed entirely of exhausted cliches. The protagonist - a single, poor, jobless, pregnant woman stranded in New York city contemplates getting an abortion. Then the woman realizes after talking with a kind, trusting, religious gentleman that having the baby is the best decision ever. The credits were the best though. It showed a 5 minute clip of the baby 5 years later running along a beach with the mom smiling and singing next to her dream partner.

Well, I guess that settles it, I'm convinced. Not getting an abortion is fucking awesome.

It turns out that the movie was really just preaching to the coir though because when they asked for feedback from the audience Everyone (and I mean everyone) gave a fantastic review and talked about how it so accurately represents 'societies one dimensional nature for pro abortion'.

Furious and a little bored, I put up my hand and gave my full rant. I talked about how the movie misrepresented the other side of the argument and I talked about how the movie used unfair persuasion tactics (like dramatic music) to push a very bias agenda against abortion. The entire theater turned around and looked at me with confused eyes. It's at that moment that I realized almost everyone was wearing the same yellow T-shirt. They were all volunteers for the pro life campaign around UNSW. A few figure heads tried to create a rebuttal against my argument, but didn't get far because the Pizza had just arrived. I was saved again by the delicious, cheesy, greasy bell.

Tomorrows lecture is at 1:00pm and it's about same sex marriage. No doubt there will be some religious figure head trying to push the naturalist argument against homosexuality. But he won't get far, because wherever religious indoctrination spreads, Atheist man and Agnostic boy (Goddamn, I wish I had a sidekick) will be there! Just look for the secular sign in the clouds! (the secular sign is just a giant penis).

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