Saturday, June 1, 2013

THESIS and buckets

My Thesis is due in 5 days!! It's been almost done for a bout 2 weeks now, especially if you consider 40 pages away from your target as 'almost done'. But yeah, this time I mean it! I've also got a few assessments and quiz's which I need to jump over in order to hand my Thesis in on time, but overall it shouldn't be an issue.


I resorted to spraying my dirty shirt with surface cleaner yesterday. What? My shirt's a surface. It's unsurprisingly ineffective. But on the bright side, I made myself a bucket of stir fry last night. A shit tonne of veges, chicken, rice and love is condensed into a conveniently sized bucket, and waiting for me patiently on the bottom layer of the fridge. MMmMMmMmm leftovers.

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