Friday, May 17, 2013


For the longest time I've wanted to be a vegetarian for moral reasons, but the longest I've gone without eating meat is a week. That may not sound impressive, but it's a big deal for me. I usually can't commit myself to anything for more than a few hours - just take a look at all the sports I've gotten involved in. I've decided that a more practical solution is to reduce eating meat or become a pescetarian. The obvious moral contradictions with Prescetarianism (you can't eat meat, but you can eat fish) doesn't bother me too much because I view fish as the gingers of our society - it's OK to punish them because they have no souls. The downside to my diet revolution is putting a bit more effort into making myself food in the kitchen, and I could no longer go to McDonald's after a night out and order the Mc.CowonaBun.

My thesis is due in 3 weeks! AHHHH

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