Monday, August 6, 2012


Uni is a little overbearing at the moment. I've got a lot of assignments coming up which all involve knowledge about several computer programs which are really annoying to use. I'm progressing agonizingly slowly but at least I'm getting there.

My latest assignment requires me to know the very very basics of machines. I barely have an idea about how to use a hammer, so a 'clutch' or a 'differential' confuse the crap out of me. Maybe I should have put more thought into choosing my major :p.

I went for a run the other day. At 10am, Sunday, the village was organizing a running club. I thought it would be a competitive adventure where I'd run against some people much fitter than me. Instead I found out that I was just one of a handful of people who were struggling to find the strength to get out of bed, yet alone go for a run. The person organizing the running club was a chubby (trust me, that's being nice) little teenager. She was dressed in the most expensive looking running gear, but you could tell by the look of her, that she'd never used it. In all honesty though, I didn't run much further than them though because I have a dreadful cold and cough which makes it hard enough to breath, yet alone run. The City2Surf is coming up in less than a week so this cold better be over by then! I'm thinking of dressing in a dressing gown with a monocle instead of Brave Heart.

Speaking of sport. WTF Australia!? I thought we would do better in the Olympics. I guess not. We've only earned 1 gold metal, and in comparison, New Zealand has won 3. I'm officially choosing to flash my NZ passport instead of my Aussie one when I'm next asked what nationality I am.

I'm really digging Red Hot Chillies at the moment. They are performing at 'big day out' (a giant festival), but i didn't buy tickets coz no one else was going. I guess listening to 'my friends' and 'the zepher' from my computer will have to do.

I got accepted for an internship with Schlumburger - a French Oil Services company. They're probably gonna make me work in some dead third world country over the summer (not joking), so that should be pretty bad ass. I'm looking forward to it. Although I still consider myself pretty clueless about what is required of me in the real world as far as job responsibilities go so I'm not sure if I'll live up to the expectations my Dad has for me.

I'm not sure if it's my old age or if Uni is wearing me out, but I'm finding 1 to 1 convos with good mates a whole lot more interesting and engaging than talking to 1st year undergrads at house parties.

I've gone a whole 7 paragraphs without mentioning America! I can't hold back anymore! OK, so I haven't heard from Ettiene or Vivek in ages. It's kinda disappointing because I'd say they were my best friends over there and I can't seem to find a good time to skype them. On the bright side, I've been in contact with a few others from Austin which is really nice. Christina, Marissa and Maya have been chatting to me every now and then over skype of facebook which is really nice. :)

I haven't gotten drunk in more than a month. I've been tipsy several times, but not drunk. What's wrong with me?

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