Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wastin Tiem

Did you konw taht you can raed a sneetnce prefcetly wlel eevn thuogh the wrods are not sepleld croerclty? It's true! I guess this gives you little bit of insight into how I've been spending my time in the last few days. I've been watching mind trick games on youtube - they're actually kind of amazing :P

I'm in my MMAN4000 class at the moment and I decided I didn't really care about trying to understand my lectures thick Chinese accent - so I figured writing my blog would be a good use of my time.

I've been working quite a bit at Grill'd recently. After my first shift, I thought it would be a great job and was really optimistic about working there in the future. By my second shift I discovered how repetitive the work load was and how much I hated one of my fellow employees, and by my third shift I decided that Grill'd is gradually sucking the life out of me through the greasy, unclean spatula that I flip burgers with. But at least I get$ money$.

My roommates are cool but very distant. I'm finding it very hard to communicate with them while they're around the house - it's as if they're uninterested in socializing with me because they've already got their own perfect social circle. Hopefully I can break that with the help of Alcohol.

My workload is piling up and to my surprise I'm acting unbelievably lase-fair. My ambition at the moment can be best related to a corpse rotting on the side of the road being pecked apart by crows (sorry for that morbid image, but it's true). If I were any lazier I'd die of hunger. Deferring from Uni for a semester is a really pleasing idea in my head at the moment - but then I have no idea what else I'm gonna do - I could NOT work at Grill'd full time! It makes me feel a bit trapped.

On the bright side though, Jasper (one of my roommates I moved in with who recently graduated) is really social and friendly. I guess that gives me hope that life after Uni isn't a death trap. :p

Well the lecture just ended! Until next time my anonymous friendly stalkers!

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