Monday, August 13, 2012


I ran the 'city2surf' yesterday. I started in yellow group which was at the back of the pack with all the obese, lazy, and downright handicapt people. It was a bit frustrating at times spending all day sprinting in between groups of people and weaving around small groups of children or elderly - but it was fun nonethe less. I beat my best time too - 14km in 67 minutes. I guess that might mean i'll be elegible for red group next year.

The hard part about the adventure was that I had work at 12 noon that day. Meaning I had to sprint (literally) from the finish line to get to my new job at Grill'd on time. It was hardly worth it, my boss wasn't there and the place wasn't busy - also, my TL is a bitch. But meh, i get money, eh?

I've got a report due tomorrow for MMAN3110. I guess that explains why I'm writing my blog now. I've always been more productive at other useless things when I'm procrastinating from deadlines.

Oh yeah, I STILL han't seen the new batman movie! I know it's amazing but I just missed the opportunities.

Lastly, I've been dreaming about me growing up to be a famous director. I dreamed about the type of arogant personality I'd have and the movies I'd be creating. Last night I dreamed that I was directing a comedy about a social suicidal misfit who tries to adjust to a differnt culture. The plotline doesn't sound funny now, but while I was dreaming it seemed hillarious.. :p

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