Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 2 Germany

We woke up at the crack of 7am to go on a long hike. I had breakfast with the family, including Johns grandmother and uncle. At some point I joked that I planned on using "schnapps" to hydrate myself during the hike instead of water now that I'm in Bavaria. Sadly, the grandmother, who knows literally no English (that's right, none) latched onto the word "schnapps" and assumed I wanted some with breakfast. In the most aggressive act of hospitality she poured me a full shot of 60% APV schnapps that was in the cupboard next to me. I gestured that John wanted some too, and we began what would become a great day of tipsy hiking.

We drove 2 hours south to a hiking track called Höllen Thalklamm (Hell Valley). It's a trail that goes up and around the mountains that separate Germany from Austria - Trump would be proud. We packed 6 beers for the trip and 1 bottle of water - we could refill the water bottle at anytime from the stream that we were hiking along. There was a restaurant at the top where I enjoyed SpecKnödel (kinda like a bacon dumpling) & sour kraut. The meal was perfect and it reinforced my strongly held view that Germany has the best food in Europe.

We arrived back home instantly using a teleporter (the Germans call it the "autobahn"). We reached a max speed of 180 km/hr... how fucking crazy is that!? A wonderful traditional meal had been prepared for us, and an additional guest called Roxanna (a relative of Johns from Romania) had joined us for dinner. Everyone's proficiency level in English was very different; the grandmother at the bottom and Roxanna at the top, so we had to take turns switching between English and German, with poor John acting as a UN translator the whole time.

I wanted to end the night with a bang by going to a pub to drink a few more steins, but God decided to become my own personal bouncer and made it piss down with rain. Instead we watched War Dogs and went to bed. Great day all up.

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