Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 1 Germany

This small collection of posts will be about my trip around Germany before I begin my new life in the Netherlands.

But first, some housekeeping: I've spent the last 7 months in Sydney working at Smart Sparrow. Before flying to Europe Kaz and I visited my parents in KL. After almost a week, Kaz and I split ways and I headed to London for Laura's wedding. On the 7th, free from family commitments, I made my way to Luton Airport to fly to Munich.

Once I arrived in Munich, Johannes (who I call John because I'm a dumb English speaker) picked me up and drove us both to Augsburg. We got lost a few times but made it there in the end. I put far too much pressure on John to go to a pub before we arrived at his parents place. He reluctantly accepted and we both powered down a well anticipated and unearned stein and Hefeweizen. No food in either of our stomach's got us both a tad tipsy, so I figured the only way to sober up was to accept Johns offer to drive his manual car all the way home. Spoiler: We didn't die, but I did stall the car in the wrong lane a few times. I guess its fortunate for me it was only a 2 minute drive in a safe and empty neighborhood.

When we arrived we found out Johns mum had stayed up till midnight just to greet me. John said its because an Australian arriving is "big news"; I think it's because she wanted to make sure she wasn't housing a psychopath. Either way, she was very hospitable and lovely.

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