Wednesday, June 5, 2013

future me

I've decided to dedicate this post to my future self. I reckon when I'm much older and have nothing left to live for except the promise of my next pay cheque, I'll resort to looking at this blog to figure out when exactly my life went so wrong :P.

Answer: Drugs. Matt, you should have done less drugs.

But behind the coke sniffing, petrol drinking, meth injecting, herb smoking broken shell of a human I am, there lies the real me. And that real me wants to give future me a few pointers:

1) Don't lose the ambition to do the things you love
2) Oh yeah, get the ambition to do the things you love.
3) Learn to play the guitar. Or if you already know how to play the guitar - learn to play it better.
4) Invest in leather pants. It can't be too long until they become fashionable again.
5) Donate generously to homeless shelters. Face it mate, that's you're real superannuation.
6) I'm assuming by now you're living your dream of becoming a world famous ballet dancer, so my advice to you now is: Keep to the fundamentals - no flashy moves. Twirl, jump, spin. Twirl, jump, spin. And watch inspirational dancing movies like; Dirty Dancing, Footloose and Black Swan. Keep up the good work!

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