Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friends and Family

A good friend of mine from Texas, Marissa, has been visiting Australia for the past few weeks. Fortunately she got some time off from sight seeing to say a quick hi to me. I invited her to a party at 17 Middle where she got to meet my roommates and friends. I've been telling her for ages that Aussies drink very differently from Americans, and now I'm sure that she believes it.

Speaking of international friends, my plans to meet up with Pablo in Amsterdam are getting more and more developed every day. I'm really looking forward to escaping Sydney and getting a refreshing taste of a different culture. Yes, 'taste' is a pun, and yes 'culture' is a metaphor for beer.

These last few weeks have been a really interesting time for me socially. On one side, I've got strong international friendships and good relationships with my roommates. And yet on the other side, I've found myself reevaluating friendships and isolating myself from a lot of social gatherings due to exams.

oh yeah, i finished my exams two days ago. Wooh! The boredom is already starting to settle in my mind. I found myself resisting the temptation to open my Engineering textbook and warm up my brain with a few puzzles. How sad is that, eh? I really need to create a routine that will keep me focused in the dead time I've got between now and my flight to China. Fortunately for me, I actually do have a crap tonne of shit to get done. Now I just need to find someone to help me get motivated to do it.

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