Friday, August 31, 2012

work n employees

Some of my fellow employees are driving me up the wall. I'm so sick of trying to socialize with these people. One employee in particular annoys me the most. His sense of humor is very bad - yet it is so well accepted by the other employees...
For example, here are some of his jokes:

Me: Hey man, can you prepare the almighty burger
Him: I'll prepare an almighty dick!

Me: The 'mustard pickle' burger goes to Jason
Him: Mustard Dick for Jason!

Other random employee: Can you mop up the floor during close?
Him: I'll mop it up with my dick!

Are you following the trend? I wouldn't be that annoyed by his sense of humor if it wasn't so well accepted by the other employees working there. But every time he makes one of these super predictable jokes, he gets a round of uncontrollable laughter from all the other immature employees - and it's not a sympathetic laugh, it's legitimate!

Anywho, I finished a 4 hour shift from 6 - 10pm, which mean't being unable to attend the village cruise. In all honesty, I was probably way too tired to go anyway since I stayed up really late doing my assignment the night before.

I've been epic facebook raped. A friend of mine hacked my facebook and placed my birthday 2 days ago. I think I got more birthday well wishes from that day than I did on my actual birthday. A lot of people were really spilling their hearts into their messages, so I didn't have the heart to tell them they were wrong...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I came to the realization today that 2 of my 5 roommates are quite racist. Pat and Tim - especially Tim - struck me as overwhelmingly racist today. After I suggested a drink at the Reege, Pat, Liam, Tim and Andrew voted to just drink in the house since we already had some beers. While we were drinking, we put on the TV and a show called "Go back to where you came from" came on. We were all making jokes about it - so at first I thought it was harmless humor. It was only when I noticed recurring overly exaggerated sarcasm on the same parts of the show that I begin to realize some underlying sincerity. Tim was the first one to prove my hunch correct when he started talking seriously about how:
Afghanistan generally supports the Taliban, otherwise there wouldn't be a Taliban
Afghanistan should fix their own problems without our international help because it's their own problem.
and Afghan boat people either have an anti western agenda or will inevitably end up screwing up the Australian lifestyle.

Pats racism was harder to pick up on, but was still there. Pats car got broken into the other night, but only the rear window was broken and the door was left locked with nothing stolen. Pat made a series of jokes about how some "kook" had tried to rob the car but probably couldn't reach the from lock from the hole in the window. At first I thought it was a joke, but after listening to his sincere opinions about boat people and the future of Australia during "Go back to where you came from", I got a very different view.


Monday, August 27, 2012


So I'm on my 5th week after working at "Grill'd" - a small burger joint which prides itself on serving top quality burgers. Unfortunately, I still have not been paid! I've called up my TL's, managers, Bosses, and even the head department in Victoria. I guess my puppy dog face must be pretty damn good because Matt, my manager, called me up to personally apologize for the 'computer problems' that occurred when I was hired. He says I'll be paid by Wednesday.

Soon I'll be working in Word Square at the largest restaurant Grill'd has to offer. Todd, my Boss, says I'll be training people soon so that should be fun. I can barely keep up with the orders on a busy day where I work now! There are just too many burgers to flip - and the teamwork and coordination you need with the people who put the salad on the burgers has to be spot on. None the less, I'm looking forward to pulling rank on some of my fellow teenage recruits.

I've got an assignment due tomorrow - it's a really boring one. And I know that's probably an obvious thing to say, but in my opinion all Engineering assignments cover a spectrum ranging from "pretty boring" to "OMG, if I study this anymore, my heart will stop!". I should be fine I reckon.

I've got all tomorrow off. Due to timetabling issues, I haven't got a shift tomorrow at work, and I've got no official classes to attend to. I guess I'll have to make the painful decision of deciding whether to go to the beach or work on my Engineering Mechanics videos... HmmMmmmmmm...

A friend of mine two weeks ago said sarcastically "I hate you when you're sober". Even though i'm pretty sure she was being sarcastic, I can totally relate to that - most of the time I hate me when I'm sober. Is that the first sign of an alcoholic? Should I be concerned about this? Sigh, all this thinking is making me thirsty.

Once again I found myself contemplating dropping out of Uni today. The 'rents offered some good advice - "Don't drop out! Finish your degree, then sort your life out". But I can't help but notice that that advice can be applied to any stage in my life. I mean, when I was at high school I had the same thought rushing though my head all the time - 'get a good UAI, then I've got my future sorted'. Why is it society has a tendency to value our future more than our present, even if it comes at the cost of NEVER valuing the present? I'd say impulsiveness and selfishness is necessary from time to time to maintain sanity.

Regardless, I've decided to stay on with Uni and 'find myself' (whatever that means) after I graduate.

Friday, August 24, 2012


I finished work on Wednesday at 11:30pm. It was a pretty long and annoying shift because it wasn't too busy which gave me a lot of time to socialize with my immature workmates. When I finished I walked my way up to the bus stop only to realize my phone had died, and I didn't have cash or a valid travel 10 bus card. Unless I hitchhiked, pulled a runner on a taxi, or managed to sneak onto a bus, there was no way I could get home without walking. I ended up walking for about 1.5 hours from Oxford St to UNSW - an annoying task at midnight after standing up for a 4 hour shift.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wastin Tiem

Did you konw taht you can raed a sneetnce prefcetly wlel eevn thuogh the wrods are not sepleld croerclty? It's true! I guess this gives you little bit of insight into how I've been spending my time in the last few days. I've been watching mind trick games on youtube - they're actually kind of amazing :P

I'm in my MMAN4000 class at the moment and I decided I didn't really care about trying to understand my lectures thick Chinese accent - so I figured writing my blog would be a good use of my time.

I've been working quite a bit at Grill'd recently. After my first shift, I thought it would be a great job and was really optimistic about working there in the future. By my second shift I discovered how repetitive the work load was and how much I hated one of my fellow employees, and by my third shift I decided that Grill'd is gradually sucking the life out of me through the greasy, unclean spatula that I flip burgers with. But at least I get$ money$.

My roommates are cool but very distant. I'm finding it very hard to communicate with them while they're around the house - it's as if they're uninterested in socializing with me because they've already got their own perfect social circle. Hopefully I can break that with the help of Alcohol.

My workload is piling up and to my surprise I'm acting unbelievably lase-fair. My ambition at the moment can be best related to a corpse rotting on the side of the road being pecked apart by crows (sorry for that morbid image, but it's true). If I were any lazier I'd die of hunger. Deferring from Uni for a semester is a really pleasing idea in my head at the moment - but then I have no idea what else I'm gonna do - I could NOT work at Grill'd full time! It makes me feel a bit trapped.

On the bright side though, Jasper (one of my roommates I moved in with who recently graduated) is really social and friendly. I guess that gives me hope that life after Uni isn't a death trap. :p

Well the lecture just ended! Until next time my anonymous friendly stalkers!

Monday, August 13, 2012


I ran the 'city2surf' yesterday. I started in yellow group which was at the back of the pack with all the obese, lazy, and downright handicapt people. It was a bit frustrating at times spending all day sprinting in between groups of people and weaving around small groups of children or elderly - but it was fun nonethe less. I beat my best time too - 14km in 67 minutes. I guess that might mean i'll be elegible for red group next year.

The hard part about the adventure was that I had work at 12 noon that day. Meaning I had to sprint (literally) from the finish line to get to my new job at Grill'd on time. It was hardly worth it, my boss wasn't there and the place wasn't busy - also, my TL is a bitch. But meh, i get money, eh?

I've got a report due tomorrow for MMAN3110. I guess that explains why I'm writing my blog now. I've always been more productive at other useless things when I'm procrastinating from deadlines.

Oh yeah, I STILL han't seen the new batman movie! I know it's amazing but I just missed the opportunities.

Lastly, I've been dreaming about me growing up to be a famous director. I dreamed about the type of arogant personality I'd have and the movies I'd be creating. Last night I dreamed that I was directing a comedy about a social suicidal misfit who tries to adjust to a differnt culture. The plotline doesn't sound funny now, but while I was dreaming it seemed hillarious.. :p

Monday, August 6, 2012


Uni is a little overbearing at the moment. I've got a lot of assignments coming up which all involve knowledge about several computer programs which are really annoying to use. I'm progressing agonizingly slowly but at least I'm getting there.

My latest assignment requires me to know the very very basics of machines. I barely have an idea about how to use a hammer, so a 'clutch' or a 'differential' confuse the crap out of me. Maybe I should have put more thought into choosing my major :p.

I went for a run the other day. At 10am, Sunday, the village was organizing a running club. I thought it would be a competitive adventure where I'd run against some people much fitter than me. Instead I found out that I was just one of a handful of people who were struggling to find the strength to get out of bed, yet alone go for a run. The person organizing the running club was a chubby (trust me, that's being nice) little teenager. She was dressed in the most expensive looking running gear, but you could tell by the look of her, that she'd never used it. In all honesty though, I didn't run much further than them though because I have a dreadful cold and cough which makes it hard enough to breath, yet alone run. The City2Surf is coming up in less than a week so this cold better be over by then! I'm thinking of dressing in a dressing gown with a monocle instead of Brave Heart.

Speaking of sport. WTF Australia!? I thought we would do better in the Olympics. I guess not. We've only earned 1 gold metal, and in comparison, New Zealand has won 3. I'm officially choosing to flash my NZ passport instead of my Aussie one when I'm next asked what nationality I am.

I'm really digging Red Hot Chillies at the moment. They are performing at 'big day out' (a giant festival), but i didn't buy tickets coz no one else was going. I guess listening to 'my friends' and 'the zepher' from my computer will have to do.

I got accepted for an internship with Schlumburger - a French Oil Services company. They're probably gonna make me work in some dead third world country over the summer (not joking), so that should be pretty bad ass. I'm looking forward to it. Although I still consider myself pretty clueless about what is required of me in the real world as far as job responsibilities go so I'm not sure if I'll live up to the expectations my Dad has for me.

I'm not sure if it's my old age or if Uni is wearing me out, but I'm finding 1 to 1 convos with good mates a whole lot more interesting and engaging than talking to 1st year undergrads at house parties.

I've gone a whole 7 paragraphs without mentioning America! I can't hold back anymore! OK, so I haven't heard from Ettiene or Vivek in ages. It's kinda disappointing because I'd say they were my best friends over there and I can't seem to find a good time to skype them. On the bright side, I've been in contact with a few others from Austin which is really nice. Christina, Marissa and Maya have been chatting to me every now and then over skype of facebook which is really nice. :)

I haven't gotten drunk in more than a month. I've been tipsy several times, but not drunk. What's wrong with me?