Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Last day in the Netherlands

For the last 2 years I’ve been studying at TU Delft, Netherlands. Now that I've earned my slip of paper, my time has come to fly back to Australia via Malaysia.

I was expecting the feeling of departing the Netherlands to be much harder than it actually was. I have made a lot of good friends here, adjusted to the bike culture, and have developed a pretty severe addiction to chocolate croissants. But to my surprise, the departure was simple and easy.

Perhaps what made the departure so easy was the interaction I had with a lowlife at the train station on my way to the airport. I was walking through the gate with my luggage, and a guy in his mid 20’s squeezed in right behind me to avoid paying for a ticket. Partially out of surprise, and partially out of a burning sense of injustice, I tried to block the guy by propping up my luggage. It didn’t work though; he simply clambered around me. As he passed me he shouted in a Dutch accent “Why you block me, man?! Next time, I’ll cut you!” and made stabbing gesture. The Dutch really are direct.

My flight was at 8:55am so I had to wake up at 4:50am in order to get me there 2 hours beforehand. I would rather sacrifice an hour of sleep and walk 3km with luggage, than spend 3 euros for a quick and simple tram ride to Delft station.

Netherlands, you've been fantastic. In particular, I love your biking culture and the friendliness of the people - although, this doesn't apply to customer service - you can improve a bit on that front. 

Even though I feel just as unprepared for the industry as when I first entered Delft, I'm slightly optimistic that I can now get a job that will utilize my theoretical knowledge. Watch out world! Here I come! I may stumble, slip and fall, but dammit I'm going to move forward. 

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