Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Italy day 1

I'm planning a hike in the Dolomites with a German friend of mine, John, and an Italian friend Federico. After that, I'm traveling to the UK for a few days.

 I had booked a 10 euro flight from Eindhoven Netherlands, to Milan, Italy which arrived at 7:30pm. The 20 minute delay turned out to be perfect, because John, who was driving from Augsburg Germany, arrived at the airport literally 1 minute before I did. That's pretty impressive timing considering John drove 6 hours through 3 countires to meet me at the airport.

After an hour of crazy driving we met up with our friend Federico in the province of Lecco. Since he had a final exam tomorrow, we decided to stay in an bed and breakfast around the corner. The BnB is located right next to some beautiful mountains near the boarder of Switzerland, so John and I will hike those by ourselves, and meet up with Federico to celebrate the end of his exam in the evening.

Overall, it was a pleasure meeting up with these friends again. John brought several fantastic German beers with him, and Federico was very hospitable and used his impressive cooking skills to feed us in the evening. Somehow I'll need to use my Australian powers to offer something back - perhaps I'll teach them how to swear at minorities while struggling to keep balance on a bar stool.

1 comment:

  1. I'd recommend teaching them how to wear shorts in the snow like a true Aussie <3
