Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Life is a video game

Day 234234

Reinforcements have arrived. Today we got our dishwasher fixed. Finally the cutting boards, bowls and cutlery that served as the breeding grounds for the cockroaches will be swept clean. We can finally take back what was once ours - a kitchen free of infestation. Our first assault will be at 0900. My roommates are resting for the day ahead, God knows they'll need it...

In other news my hunter valley trip is getting nearer and nearer. I'm very excited. This weekend off will be the closest thing to a holiday that I've had since the start of the year. It's just my roommates and a friend of mine from Pymble driving up there for a few days of good ol wine drinking and site seeing. We're actually bringing up German food as preventative hangover cure. Most of it I'm guessing will be German sausage so I guess the weekend trip will be a sausage fest in more than one way.

Hanging out with only my roommates and a few select friends from up north all the time really gets me thinking about my deteriorating social life. I'm seriously one boring Saturday night away from Googling how to make friends. But my track record for doing research through Google for school / uni projects makes me think I'll inevitably end up watching YouTube videos of Pokemon or reading an mildly interesting Wikipedia article about Vegemite.

I know I keep hammering on about this every blog, but I really wish there were more post uni activities for people fresh out in the real world. Perhaps something simple like 'international onesie week' would be a refreshing way to meet people. I think it'll be really cool to have a African American friend who's not actually American (just black). I think I'd get so much street cred without even trying - it's like the cheat code to popularity.

So I'm sure I must have mentioned at some point in a previous post that I view life kinda like a high graphics video game that's more boring than GTA but more interesting than Tetris. I still cling to this world view by the way. It keeps me super vigilant about the possibility of a zombie breakout.  Which reminds me, why do people in Zombie films write fancy dramatic sayings like "The End Is Nigh" or "Muuuurrrdeeerrrr" across the wall in blood? Why wouldn't you communicate something more meaningful like "Food this way ---->" or something. Also, why do they write in blood? This is a zombie Apocalypse we're talking about, not some world wide shortage of pens. And if they're so rushed to write a message that they're forced to write in blood, why don't they just run? I dunno, these questions and more I think will never be solved :(

But alas this is not the only time I've been confused by the actions of a computer. I found myself typing on Microsoft word yesterday and a word I had typed up had been underlined in that squiggly red line we're all familiar too with. I was sure the word was spelled correctly so I right clicked to see if I could get rid of that red underline. Instead Microsoft word insisted I "ignore once". WTF Microsoft? What's with the ambiguous threat? What if I want to ignore it twice? Bring it on computer, game on.

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