Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Day 9394

I've been poisoned. I'm unsure if it's the cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs or maggots but either way they found a way to hit me where it hurts; my body. I got food poisoning last Wednesday from a restaurant in the city. Whatever I ate took 4 hours to settle in my stomach before it evolved into the gut punching ninja it is now. There's been an eerie silence on the Western front for weeks and I know now that it's because the insects have been communicating with international forces. It won't be long until the house is infested with insects. May God have mercy on us all.

Seriously though, I did actually get food poisoning. It wasn't cool. Imagine pinching your ear lobe as hard as you can, that's what it felt like - except replace the ear with your stomach and replace the pinching with searing pain!

In other news I managed to find two people to move into Jasper and lachies room. One of them is an Italian named Alberto and the other is a German called Jonas. I guess now our house has become symbolic of WW2 because Hibbert is English, Susan is American, Tom is Austrlian, and I'm 1/3 French, 1/3 Polish and 1/3 Russian.

I'm really disappointed that my Italian roommate doesn't know how to cook. I asked him to teach me to make a special type of pasta, but he said he didn't know and recommended I just look online :(. On the upside, the Nazi German taught me to make Pork Schnitzle and Spaetzle with a white wine sauce. It was amazing! It was like having 20 boxes of cereal in one bowl. I managed to teach him a few Australian meals in return - Vegemite on toast, Domino's Pizza, Chicken Schnitzel and Sushi.

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