Friday, August 22, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

On the 19th August 2014 I did the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. It's a challenge spreading like wildfire through Facebook. A person nominates 3 people and they have to either donate $10 to the ALS charity or pour ice water over themselves and nominate 3 other people. The decision needs to be made in 24 hours. After contemplating in 'the thinker' position for a couple of hours, I decided to walk down to the nearest BP station and buy a $5 bag of ice. I'm an evil person.

The procedure only lasted 3 seconds, but felt like an eternity. My heartbeat slowed and I felt every bone in my body chill and crack. My breath got fainter and fainter and for a while I didn't think I was going to make it. In my delirious state I played this song ( through my head a thousand times to give me the mental strength I needed to push through the ordeal.

The deed was done.

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