Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Melbourne day 1

I'm currently waiting at the airport for my flight to Melbourne. I've booked my accommodation for 3 nights which means I'll be home on Sunday. Matt Gates was kind enough to drop me off at the airport today which meant I didn't have to catch a super expensive train in. Sadly nothing out of the ordinary has happened worth commenting about - everybody is behaving in that expected ultra independent and successful businessman kind of way.

I plan to meet up with a friend on Friday afternoon. He's a Dutch friend of mine that I made while in Texas. He offered me a place to stay near the beach just a few hours after I booked my 14 bedroom dorm hostel. Its probably for the best that I don't stay in his house though because I kind of want to meet new people which can most easily be done at a hostel.

My excitement for Melbourne is slowly being weighed down by the boring and professional atmosphere of the passengers waiting around me. I kinda wish I was in line longer for the baggage check - but sadly airports have to be efficient. I've noticed one woman who was behind me in the baggage check who was restlessly shuffling to the front of the queue in that 'I've got things to do! Let me through' kind of way - she's now trying to fall asleep in a disturbingly awkward posture just a few seats away from me.

This type of professional impatience ego is something I never want to have. So maybe that is what this trip should be about? Being young wild and free before my soul gets crushed by the weight of a full time job.  Strip clubs here I come!

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