Saturday, August 17, 2013

watching grass grow

Good news! I finished the City2Surf in 1 hour and 9 minutes! I know that's a pretty bad time by most peoples standards, but in all honestly, i'm just glad I finished the run. Sadly however, the run came at the cost of my hearing ability. I listened to bangarang waaaaaaaay too many times. But on the bright side, I also hear faint echos of dubstep wherever I go, which is kinda cool.

A friend of mine from my old old high school, JIS, contacted me yesterday telling me he was in Sydney. I left JIS in grade 8 which means I haven't seen this guy in about 9 years. His name is Dallas, so I'm just going to assume he's a Texan redneck now.

Uni work is piling up and I’m finding myself disgustingly calm about it. I really need to get working on my assignments now so I can finish them on time. Buuuuuuuuuuuut they’re soooooooooo booooooring :(

In other news, Jasper and I have decided to collect discarded couches from around the neighborhood and litter them around the outskirts of our back yard. I'ts mainly to entertain guests for the party we're hosting sometime later this month. However, we've discovered that we can also use these couches as an alternative to cutting the grass. We leave a couch on one spot of the backyard for a few weeks to suffocate the grass from sunlight, then we move the couch. I like to think of it as a modern day crop rotation technique - bring on the next agricultural revolution!

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