Friday, August 9, 2013


I just finished week 2 which means that I've completed my first week of being a tutor. I love it. It's the first job I've started where I haven't been yelled at by the boss and/or started a fire. It's a lot more rewarding than the private math tutoring job I had once I left high school. All the students are really clever and attentive which makes it really fun to engage them with difficult questions. I also just got hired to work as a partial web designer for this new program UNSW is designing. It's called SmartSparrow and my professor has hopes that it'll compete with the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) released by M.I.T. and Stanford.

In other news, I'm running the City2Surf tomorrow. I'm nowhere near ready. The gym membership I purchased isn't working - the card has been in my pocket for 3 whole days now, but I still don't feel any fitter. I'm in the red group which means that I'm at the front of the pack. I really want to paint half my face blue, carry a fake sword with me and shout out "FREEDOM"! at the top of my lungs when the gun goes off but sadly all my friends are in the green group, so there's not much point.

In other other news, Jasper left his phone in my room accidently last night. He also accidently left his 6:00am alarm on even though he didn't need it. I think I activated my inner cave man this morning because I grabbed the phone, meshed the keypad with my palm a few times, then gave up and chucked it at Jaspers door.

In other other other news, I discovered an easy and convenient way to make penne. I was playing computer games with Lachie and Collin for a few hours last night, and decided I didn't have enough time to overlook boiling pasta - so I decided to let the pasta sit in a bowl of warm water for 2 hours. By the time I got back to it, the pasta was perfect (by my standards). The roommates had a very different perception about leaving Penne to marinate in water, but I could tell they were just jealous. I've decided to copyright this invention and call it Manne. All the Italians will wan't Manne once they hear about this.

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