Thursday, February 6, 2014

Back in Aus

I went to the beach a couple of days ago with my German roommates. I went because I wanted to get some fresh air and enjoy the rays. The Germans went because they needed a break from watching episode after episode of a world war two series called Generation War (spoiler: the Germans loose). The beach was crowded, but it was still nice to get a good break. I found out five hours later that I had missed putting sunscreen on random patches of my body. One of the red marks down my back looks just like the front cover of signs - I'm contemplating leaving it in the sun more so that'll look like a coloured tattoo.

Oh, random fun fact: Mango in salad tastes amazing! Not even kidding.

In other news, Jasper is back from South Africa. He payed 8 grand for a 1 month holiday in which he spend 2 of those weeks doing charity stuff. It's good to have someone organize the house again - the garbage was starting to pile up quite a lot.

Now I've been advised by my Uncle and Father that it's particularly unwise to talk about my feelings about my Job on my blog. Buuuuut I figured if any boss of mine has the time to read all the crap I write just to get to some commentary about my job, then the business is probably verging on bankruptcy so I'd probably lose the job regardless.

I've been given a cubical in the midst of an empty office on the highest floor in the Engineering department. My Employee number is 3290498 but my boss says I can move up to 3290497 if I play my cards right. The job itself is a cocktail of interesting, frustrating and boring. I often find that my short attention span gets hold of me and I subconsciously hover my curser over the facebook tab. I also spend roughly 20% of the time doing Engineer related stuff - this is the stuff I really like, it allows me to do research and talk to academics, but the other 20% of the time (60% is spent on facebook) I end up reviewing code. This is the stuff which isn't so fun because reading a whole bunch of 1's and 0's has the same value as reading twilight. Even though I haven't started mentally adjusting to the job yet, physically I'm almost there. I've already developed an ideal cubical slouch with a permanently relaxed jaw and a small breathing problem to match. It's come to the point where I no longer dream about independence and freedom of speech anymore; I dream about having a son who can fulfil the James legacy of working in a factory as part of the ford assembly line - ideally my son would have a slight genetic disability making him shorter and hunched over, I'll call him Günter.

Oh yeah, my computer is broken too so that means I'm forced to be productive. I got so much shit done today, it's awful

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