Tuesday, February 18, 2014

computer bugs

Day 3455: It's been one month since the bug bombs were set off. An aura of happiness and high moral set in with my roommates and I. After sweeping away the ashes of dead cockraoch carcass's we all made a pact to strive toward a new cleaner way of life. But the utopia was not to last. Corruption and laziness has set in once again, I can sometimes feel myself being corrupted and manipulated by the thick fog of laziness that pollutes the house. It's beginning to turn us against each other; now it's only a matter of time until the cockroaches grow in number and begin a second assault. More pressing matters are at hand though because another new type of insect has invaded our most personal living areas - our bedrooms. They're bugs and they live in my bed - I call them bed bugs. They've evolved to to fight a war on two fronts: Animal House is weak. I've tried buying new sheets and washing pillow cases, but even these high tech tactics are powerless to stop them. They're just so bloody fucking small! I just wanna smush them with my bare hands but I can't find them uurrghh!! War. War never changes...

So yeah this is actually pretty bad for me because I can't sleep. At least when we had to deal with a cockraoch infestation we could all sleep soundly at night. I'm tossing and turning non stop because I get the feeling of ants crawling all over my body - I also wake up with itchy marks over my arms and legs which aren't as itchy and pronounced as mosquito bites, but just as annoying. It doesn't help that my room is so hot that I turn into a hyperventilating warm sack of blood at night. I read somewhere that you can put rubbing alcohol on parts of your body to stop the bugs from biting you. Obviously I would never waste precious Alcohol that way, so maybe if I drank more alcohol, then the bed bugs won't be tempted to suck my blood? This all happened after the Germans left. Coincidence? I think not.

In other news, I've completely adapted to the 1950's way of life. My new routine is so predictable you can set an alarm to it (which I do).
1) I wake up at 8:49, press 'snooze' exactly 3 times to give me a bit over 1/2 an hour to get out of bed, then head to work.
2) At work I duck into the coffee room quickly to drink a glass of water on my way to my office
3) Listen to music and hum along with it a bit too loudly until my boss walks by and we share startled hello's
4) Come home at around 5 to find Harry sitting on the couch watching shit TV. We then play exactly 2 games of Nazi Zombies before I decide to make some shitty meal for myself.
5) At exactly 6:00 i decide i'm strangely tired and end up crashing on my infested bed for about an hour.
6) I then catch a glimpse of my tummy on some shinny object and feel sad. Then I head to the gym for about 15 minutes.
7) Come home and see Jasper/Lachie/Both in my room playing DOTA. I join them until midnight and then fall asleep.

Albiet somewhere in there, I do a very small amount of work trying to learn how to code JavaScript and make Engineering YouTube videos. This is actually more productive than you think because I have a small desire to start up my own Engineering website sometime soon.

Oh I should also mention that I've totally corrupted our newest roommate, Tom, by introducing him to the computer game DOTA. This means 4/6 of us play DOTA. We now have a voting majority. Goodbye House Parties, hello LAN parties!

Oh yeah, facebook did this thing recently where they showed you a video which summarized your entire life in 1 minute by giving you a montage of photos you've uploaded or been tagged in. Almost every photo featured someone else smiling in the foreground with me devouring snacks in the background. One of the photos which came up though was a screenshot I had made about 2 years ago. It was a montage of famous people in history with personalized quotes attached to each of them. This was a small artwork I'd made for fun, and I could tell I had a lot of creativity back then because I made every quotation read something stupid like "fuck bitches,get money!". Needless to say I dug up the virtual picture from my gmail and went to the printing department at UNSW to get a copy laminated asap. I now have a a poster of Winston Churchill quoting the line "Bitch, Please". I couldn't be happier.

Lastly, I met a bunch of Texans on the bus back to 17 middle from the City. They were really friendly and asked me where they should go before the start their exchange in 2 weeks. I told them to head to the blue mountains. They were really grateful. It was good reminiscing.


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