Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mt. Egmont

Due to overwhelming popular demand, I’ve been forced to write another blog post! I want to give a massive shout out to my fan out there! You know who you are!

Aiight so I’m still in New Zealand. And no, despite my best efforts, I still haven’t managed to develop a fully Kiwi accent yet. Lame! On the bright side though, I’m becoming more and more in touch with the lazy, spiritual, New Zealand way of life. I often end up taking long coastal walks to Fitzroy beach, I never wear shoes, and I climbed Mt Egmont last weekend (climbing the mountain was the one exception where I wore shoes). I don’t mean to brag, but I think I’m just one step away from being treated like Maori God.
Climbing Mt. Egmont was awthum! The sun was shining and the New Zealand people we were hiking with were great fun too. To save money I decided not to buy a water bottle, and instead reuse one of my 3L milk cartons I had previously discarded 3 weeks ago and fill it with water. It was a great idea! The sour milk aftertaste was enough to keep me on my toes all day, and the extra calcium was definitely needed! “Wilk” – in stores soon! Oh yeah, and I climbed it on Saturday, which was Australia day! To celebrate, I bought 4 beers to the summit and shared them around with some of the other guys. The alcohol + high altitude + dehydration made coming down the mountain a total breeze.

At exactly 2200m up the mountain, I lost Facebook reception on my phone. It was at this point where the hike actually gave me strong flashbacks of Lord of the Rings. I felt like Frodo trying to climb up Mt Doom to destroy the ring. Except I was trying to climb up Mt. Egmont so I could spend 1 hour of leisure time without worrying about someone else’s Facebook status… but the hearts of men are easily corrupted… and I inevitably ended up getting even better Facebook reception at the summit.
Climbing the Mountain made me realize something. I was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too unfit to do any physical exercise. So, out of more of an emotional tempertrantrum than logical thinking, I decided to sign up for the Iron Man competition on the 9th of Feb! WOHHOOOOOOOOOOOHHHhhhooohfuck

Ummm, oh yeah, my Gym membership is about to expire. It’s good timing too because I was starting to think I didn’t look enough like toothpaste.

Uhhh yeah, I got a lift home from work by a colleague of mine at roughly 5pm yesterday. Needless to say, we hit Rush hour on the way home, so it took a good 15 minutes to get there. Yeah, New Zealand rush hour is really more like a bit of congestion in a wall mart parking lot.

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