Saturday, January 6, 2018

America day 8

I celebrated the start of the new year by honoring my "get fit" resolution. I had about 3 bowls of very sugary quaker's oats: that amounts to about 3 sets of 20 reps of spoon lifts. Later on that day I would expand my workout to 4 kitchen sprints and 3 bread rolls.

Sadly Kaz had hurt her ankle pretty bad from New Years so today was an easy day for us. Instead of going to New York to see the big apple, we went to the doctor and went shopping for mulled cider - only small edible apples for us. It was surprisingly nice to have a gap in our rushed schedule. In what might turn out to be a pipe dream, Kaz and I used this opportunity to start brainstorming for a mobile app game I would like to code up after I finish my next set of exams.

I spent the evening chatting to Kaz's aunt about the horrible state of the education system in America while devouring pork and sour kraut. I <3 american="" food.="" p="">

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