Monday, August 10, 2015


I ran the City2Surf on Sunday. As always, it was a lot of fun and totally worth being immobile the next day. My phone malfunctioned (grrr sony!) just before the race so I can't be 100% sure of my time, but I think I got 1 hour 4 minutes and 59 seconds. I really wanted to dress up as Brave Heart this year, walk to the front of the line and shout out "FREEEEDOM!" as the gun went off, but my fear of being trampled got the best of me.

In between the giant voids of spare time I've had over the last 4 months, I've managed to fit in a few small 25 minute training sessions. I've also been putting some effort into eating better too! My standards in appreciating a good meal aren't much higher than the average domesticated dog, but where I lack for in skill, I make up for with enthusiasm. I've also wanted to cut down eating meat too! Sadly though, the only vegetarian meal I eat is cereal - but in my defense, I do eat a lot of it.

I've recently gotten in contact with a family friend, Stuart, who has kindly agreed to be my mentor. Even with his advice and contacts, I still haven't gotten any closer to finding a job though. :( One job field he suggested I look at was banking. I personally love the idea of using mathematics in a professional way, however I strongly suspect that the job won't be the ideal academic position I'm looking for. If I became a banker though, I could make ordinary deposits by day and steal money from the innocent by day! Muahaha. Against the advice I've acquired from a few trusted friends, I kinda want to travel to another country to work! The more travel, the better. My dream is to learn how to say "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" in every language. One of my school friends, Paul, recently traveled to Japan to peruse his dream career. I really admire this move, although I wonder how strong the culture shock will be! Hmm, I wonder if Japanese people get culture shock traveling to Australia? They probably do. I wonder if Japan views Australia as the land of really cold toilet seats.

I've also been working a little more on my company too. Although, my constant battle for motivation is leaving the prospect of ever getting VirtuallyPassed off the ground pretty slim. In fact, I'm afraid my business will do as badly as the 'I love Sharia law' T-shirt selling business in America.

To battle this lack of motivation I've decided to get more involved with the community around me. I've recently started; looking at moving out again to areas like Bondi and Maroubra and re sending applications to join rowing clubs. I've also started making minor changes to my day as well. I've started drinking coffee and I've changed my alarm in the morning to the sound of a door creaking open to keep me on my toes! Once the paranoia wears off, I'm sure the motivation will kick in!

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