Saturday, January 31, 2015

Indonesia day 3

The jet lag didn't hit us as hard today. We woke up much later and enjoyed yet another wonderful meal consisting of eggs, toast, fruit and tea.

The first thing we did was walk to my old school, JIS, for Australia day. It was amazing seeing how much the place had changed. A lot of my old classrooms were still there but some buildings like the food court had been completely redone. It was really nice having my brain slowly bring up hidden memory after memory when I was a kid. I remembered small things like me winning a mathmatics award in grade 7 and me losing a basketball game called 'knockout' at recess. This must sound cliche but the whole place seemed so much bigger back then. I felt like a giant stepping through old footprints. I think Dennise must have seen how happy I was walking through my old school that she pulled some strings and got me an Alumni card. I did it guys! I finally graduated from a school I liked!

After JIS we went to a massage place nearby. For only $15 you can get a 1 hour massage. Brad and I loved it but I think Matt's ultra British and Christian background made him perceive the massage as an unpleasant mix of foxy boxing and a colonoscopy.

We then took a taxi to Raganan zoo. Dennise had a few contacts so we managed to see the orangutans even after the zoo had closed. We were expecting to play with baby monkeys and watch the larger ones swing from branch to branch in an exhibit. Sadly though we found all the orangutans were locked up in small, dark and damp cages.  A few of them tried to spit at us as we walked past them but the others just squeezed a hand out through the cage trying to get attention. I went up to one of them and held its hand. She stared at me with a very well known human emotion - misery. She tried to pull my hand through the cage and I let her. She brought my hand to her mouth and at first I thought she was going to bite me, but then I realized all she was trying to do was kiss the back of my hand. Shortly afterwards I began to remove my hand from the cage and I noticed her grip tightened. I eventually yanked my hand out of the cage one her grip began to cut me because her nails were desperately digging into my skin. I gave her a banana when I left. She didn't eat it.

When we got back we had a nice traditional Indonesian meal. Of course it came with unlimited bintang beer.

Later on that night we went to amegos bar in Kemang to meet Pablo. That was great because they had half price drinks and the music was good. It was awesome seeing pablo again. His English was always great but now its superb. I pretended not to understand a few words anyway just to mess with him. I'm really looking forward to traveling around Thailand with him and his friend.

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