Thursday, September 12, 2013

The future

Isn't it weird that because light and sound travel at finite speeds, all that we observe is actually in the past... dun dun duuuun.

Yeah, I know the title "The future" is pretty vague, but no, i'm not going to be spending my time writing about nerdy sci fi. Instead, i'm going to be talking about the much more boring interpretation of "The future". My future :)

Where to start? Where to start?

Ok, how about this. While I was typing away in my little cubical on campus, I noticed my boss walk by. He was packed up for the day and heading home. As he walked past me, he pulled open the door to let himself out, then paused for a brief second, hesitated, then leaned slightly towards me and said in a completely relaxed undertone "Hey Matt, do you want to work for us full time next year?". I was so shocked by the question that I froze briefly (which involved at least 30 seconds of me umming and urring). I must have looked like a deer stuck in headlights, because I was so stunned by the question (and it's context) that I instinctively blabbered out the first well memorized one liner I'd used for decades. I said "I need to ask my dad" in that overly polite 1950's school kid accent.

But 1950's stereotypes aside, I do have some news for you. In a couple of months, you won't have to read about the boring adventures of Matt at UNSW. That's right. The wheels are in motion. I'm thinking of making another adventure outside of Australia! Except this time, my adventure outside of Australia will probably just be within Australia. Basically I want to take advantage of the free time I'll have after I graduate to see more of the country I've been living in for the past ten years. I especially want to hit up Melbourne. I've heard that place is pretty badass. Also I'm going to Japan in Mid Jan. That should be badass too!

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