Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Uni starting soon

I think I'm the only person who reads this blog anymore so that gives me the invincibility to say ANYTHING I WANT regardless of how stupid it sounds!

1. I hate mayonnaise. It just tastes like pure fat...
2. An eating competition involving chocolate and some type of vodka paste will hit the world by storm in about a year.
3. I personally think rats are heaps cooler than mice. Just sayin'

Alright, where was I? Moving out! So I'm moving into my new dig tomorrow! It's with 4 Aussie blokes and a friend of mine from the village. This should be cool as hell! They're older than I am, and most of them are working full time so I don't expect it to be a massive party house, but it will be social and that sounds very appealing to me. I'm also living about 20m (44ft?) from the Reege (a semi awesome bar) and 30m (66ft?) from Maccas (McDonalds). So I'll be releasing the inner obese alcoholic within me.

UNSW, my Uni, is starting next week. I'm excited for it. I've had enough time off and I'm ready to get some studying done. I'm also very keen to meet new people around uni and socialize on campus a whole lot. I know that sounds almost sarcastic because my Uni is very antisocial compared to other campus's, but I'm completely serious! I want to chime into other social groups, make new friends and get more involved in different activities. I'm also doing my Thesis this semester, so it'll be good to have a refreshing social life to support me through it :)

Speaking of activities, ROWING WTF!? Every training sesh starts at 5:30am and about 1 hour drive away. This means I'd have to get up at 4:00am every morning to get a lift down to row. I want to row, but I don't want to put that much effort into it! I think it'll be so much easier if we just create an artificial river flowing through the middle of campus. Muay Thai is looking like a bad alternative too because UNSW doesn't offer it and there aren't any places which practice it nearby Uni. Why does my Uni not want me to get involved in sport!? :( I'm contemplating taking up boxing, but I don't want to graduate Uni with an IQ lower than 40 or a noticeable dent in my forehead - so maybe boxing isn't for me. Running is an option, but I was hoping for a more physically active and partially team based sport. I'm leaving myself with two options; volleyball and gymnastics. Gonna do some research into them later on today.

I've been practicing guitar a bit too. I'm so awful at it that I think someone calling me "bad" would be sugar coating it to spare my feelings. Still, I'm gonna persist, I think I'm getting better (well, I certainly couldn't get worse!).

I did it, I tried goon the other day. I couldn't resist the sweet texture and beautiful scent. Jokes. I wanted to get drunk, and that was the only alcohol the house had left. I did not miss Goon one bit while...

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