Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I'm stealing from the Government.

I'm applying for 'rent assist' from centerlink - the Australian welfare office. If I get it, which I should, I will be eligible for 100 $/week which will be very helpful for when I move out of home.

I tried tutoring Uni level Physics yesterday. I'd never tutored something of this level before. I loved the challenge! The bloke I tutored was smart and willing to learn which made the session very enjoyable. To be honest, I probably would have done the 2.5 hours for free. But the mum thought I did such a good job that I got paid 80 dollars from it! That's almost two cases of beer...

I talked to Heather today - a good American friend of mine that is now living in Australia. We bored Dave to death by reminiscing on US cultural norms and comparing them to Australia. Good times.

Dave and I have invented a new phase in our social group. At 2am, if we're still awake, we'll get changed in our dressing gowns and ugg boots and go walking around the neighborhood sipping tea. Two others have already gotten in on this! I love it. My brother thinks i'm retarded for doing it :p

Uni starts in a week and a half. I looking forward to it mainly for the intellectual challenge and so that I can meet new people :)

Finding a sport is turning out to be harder than expected. I may have to settle for a really dumb sport like bowls or something. It's a shame too because I really wanted to be physically active this semester.

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