Monday, May 27, 2019

Japan day 4 - Yakushima

We woke up at 6am to catch a shinkanzen all the way to the very bottom of the Japanese mainland, Kagoshima. We didn't have much time to travel around because we needed to board a ferry to Yakushima, but it looked like a surprisingly large city. I was expecting a small fishing town, but it looked as crowded and interconnected as Kyoto.

After a few stressful moments of navigating Japanese signs, we managed to board our ferry on time and travel to Yakushima island. I tried to sleep, but a Japanese game show on TV was echoing around every corner of the boat. It's a little bit disheartening to know that low quality slapstick style humour exists in literally every corner of the world.

Once we arrived we immediately went to our hostel, met and chatted to an interesting German couple, planned our following day and hit the bed.

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