Monday, March 10, 2014

rags to riches

In the early years of world war 2, Joseph Stalin implemented his Scorched Earth policy whereby he destroyed his own territory to hinder the advance of the Nazi's. It's this type of ruthless military progress which I've learned to adopt to defeat the 'bed bugs' in my room. I recently purchased a 500ml bottle of rubbing alcohol and doused my infested mattress with it. If you listened closely, I think you could hear the tiny fuckers screaming. Or were they singing in drunken bliss? I don't know, but either way it took a lot of inner restraint for me to hold back on getting a match out and casually letting the room burn.

I also purchased an automatic poison dispenser which I've put in my room to kill any moths or remaining bed bugs wandering around. Hitler would be proud.

In other news, I met Josh in Penrith the other day after work. We talked about his new up and coming idea. I'm not sure how much he'd want me to say, but I can tell you that he's working on his own website for psychology. There's a long way to go and I'm skeptical about how successful it will be, but if there is anyone I know who has the drive to actually accomplish a 'get rich quick' scheme, it would be Josh. Matt Gates and I might be hijacking this train since I've got my Engineering videos on offer and Matt has a couple of philosophy videos he can offer too. I think this'll be an interesting project to work on this year.

Work is going OK now. University has started and little kids are running everywhere. I took a 15 minute break and crashed a physics lecture by one of my favorite teachers of all time, Joe Wolfe. It was kinda nice to re-immerse myself in the lecture environment. It was strangely inspiring.

Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm out of beer. All my home brew is gone. I'm thinking of brewing wheat beer next, but 'country brewer' isn't a place you pass by on your way to work or Mc Donald's. I'll probably start brewing my next batch when it gets colder anyway. It'll make the beer taste better.

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