Saturday, April 6, 2013


I'm now in Bali! It's awesome.

Moving from Jakarta to Sydney had made me forget what it's like to be treated like a God. It's really relaxing sitting in a pool all day, enjoying fantastic Indonesian food, getting massages by the beach and not doing any form of cleaning. I never do any cleaning in Sydney, but at least now I don't have to live with the consequences of my actions :).

I went clubbing with my brother and my cousins last night too. That was fun. Walking between clubs I got encountered by dozens of locals trying to offer you all types of random shit. No doubt they're taking advantage of drunk Aussies who don't have the self control to say no to yet another pair of copy glasses. I even got approached by a guy who was selling me something which looked like a white battery or a really short and fat cigarette. Intrigued and drunk I asked him what it was. The conversation went something like this:

Me: "Ini?" [translation: this?]

Him: ";lsakdjf;saljf ;lsak asl jsfj a;lj sa;ldjf askjf;lsajf ;ljsaf;ljsa asd;laf ... as;lj;saj!! as;lja;lsjfa;lks f;lasjfd as;ldjf;lksajf;lsajf;lsajf;lsajf;lsajfsadkfsa;lkfjsa;lkfjsafksaj;ldaksf;lsaf;lsafsa;lfhas;lffsa?"

Me: "...?"

Him: "a;ljfsajf."

Me: "...?"


Me: "OoOoOoOH! Tidak Macasi." [translation: OoOoOoOH! thanks no.]

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