Sunday, February 10, 2013

Episode 1 - The Analogy

I still haven't decided whether to release my controversial blog. However, I will release the first paragraph of it just to keep y'all on the edge of y'all's chair.

Episode 1 - The Analogy

"Imagine a sewer line bursting at the top of a mountain, flinging chunks of solid shit directly into the air. Now imagine a boing 787 flying just above it so that all the condensed sewerage flies directly into the turbine of the plane. Now imagine a small child licking a lollypop at the bottom of the mountain as a rain of sewerage blots out the sun above him.

That kid is not me. I'm the turbine. Shit has hit the fan."

Will Matthew (AKA the turbine) outmaneuver the shit? How did he get into this shituation to begin with? And what will happen about future stories about his love life!? Stay tuned to find out!

Back to reality: My time in NZ is almost over and I'm looking forward to coming home. I dont think i'm refreshed enough to tackle another semester of uni, but I really want to get back into a student routine again.

I'm probably going to climb mt Egmont again before I go. But it's tough finding people to go with because, you know, the whole 'oh, it's an 8 hour climb, and the only thing you have to show for it are large blisters' doesn't seem to convince people too much.

Oh and fun fact of the day: The pope announced in December last year that Gay marriage will threaten world peace. Yay Pope!

Umm, what else do I have to bore you with? Umm, err, aearaggh, yeah my computer arrived and it's set up. Umm, what else? I umm I'm going to the beach more! Even though the sand is black (and you know how I hate everything coloured black) it's still a fairly good finish to the day to have a nice relaxing stroll to the beach.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Censorship and the future of my blog

I'm finding myself standing at an interesting cross road. Down one road, my future blog posts can be censored for the sake of sparing a small group of people from exaggerated criticism. Down the other road, my future blog posts can be as blunt and crude as they always have been.

As you know, I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression. So I strongly think that I should be able to say what I want without fear of being prosecuted. But at the same time, I want to be mindful about some of the douche bags I insult. After all, it's (remotely) possible that what I write now could be used against me in the future.

I got cold feet, and temporarily took down my latest blog because I thought it was a bit controversial. It's about my new house.

Will Matthew release his mysterious 'controversial' blog? Will Matthew succumb to political pressure that could influence his future well being? And what will happen about future stories about his love life!? stay tuned to find out!

Also, you can comment in the section below about whether you think Matthew should post his latest blog.