Thursday, September 15, 2016

Quick Update New Zealand

Yep, I know. Ok, let me try my best to summarize the last couple of months and I'll give a padded out version later.

1) Sebastian has left New Zealand. I mean, he came back from Australia to New Zealand and now he's gone again back to the Fatherland. Before he left; me, him and another German traveled to Taupo to do the Tongariro crossing and go skiing. It was amazing! We almost died on the crossing... but that's a story for another blog post.

2) I have a new roommate. Lilli. She's cool. She's a super feminist, vegetarian and very lazy political activist.

3) I still haven't been accepted to do a PhD!! Ahhh! It's taking so much longer than expected. I've submitted the application though. Hopefully I get accepted soon.

4) Oh yeah, I recently realized how crime ridden New Zealand is. A friend of mine got robbed at gun point, another friend has become a witness to another crime and my bike was stolen. WTF New Zealand.

5) I'm planning a road trip around the South Island with a bunch of people. It should be great!

6) In between PhD stuff and Virtually Passed stuff, I've started to create some really shitty cartoon satire to keep me occupied. Here's my first I created today. I got a long way to go, but meh, it's a start.

7) Oh, and I've yet to meet a New Zealander that pronounces "fish and chips" as "fush n chups"

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