Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Zealand day 1

Ok, let's do this.

I got a job with AECOM in Auckland and flew into NZ last night. I'm currently crashing with my grandparents, which by the way are incredibly hospitable. Free food, free rent, free lifts everywhere and a free public transport card. Thanks Nana and Granddad, you're awesome. I'll repay you shortly once I sort out my bank shit!

Ok ok ok. First day at work after being an unemployed bum for 3 months. How was it? In a word: ''meh". In a few words: "I think I like pretty much everything about the job; the people are nice, the work seems interesting and the facilities are great. The only downsides are; work attire and working hours". 

So before I start a powerful rant that I'll probably regret somewhere down the line, let me clarify a few things you probably already know about me. 1) I HATE formal clothes 2) I HATE the 9-5. 

So first things first, in the induction we were told that the working hours will be quite flexible. This got me incredibly excited until the inductor clarified to the inductees that that 'flexible' mean't we could arrive 10 minutes late as long as we left 10 minutes late too. That's not flexible! Arrgh!

Why in 2016 is work determined by time and not by merit? All this does is encourage the illusion of productivity and ironically makes things inefficient! We've enlightened ourselves so far to believe (correctly) that it doesn't matter what colour, nationality, gender, or sexual preference you have; all that matters is your ability to do the work. This is good, society! Good job! Why can't we go one step further and say it doesn't matter how long you work at something or what you wear while you do it, all that should matter is your ability to do the work! I promise you in 50 years from now people are going to look back at this generation and laugh at how remarkably intelligent CEO's and business managers managed to convince themselves that they can measure the performance of an employee by measuring the % of cotton the employee wears while timing how long that person stairs at a screen. Eargh.

Rant over. 

In other news, I'm still quite optimistic about my job. 

Oh yeah, New Zealanders are extremely friendly :) That's a talk for another rant. 

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