Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Day 9394

I've been poisoned. I'm unsure if it's the cockroaches, mosquitoes, bed bugs or maggots but either way they found a way to hit me where it hurts; my body. I got food poisoning last Wednesday from a restaurant in the city. Whatever I ate took 4 hours to settle in my stomach before it evolved into the gut punching ninja it is now. There's been an eerie silence on the Western front for weeks and I know now that it's because the insects have been communicating with international forces. It won't be long until the house is infested with insects. May God have mercy on us all.

Seriously though, I did actually get food poisoning. It wasn't cool. Imagine pinching your ear lobe as hard as you can, that's what it felt like - except replace the ear with your stomach and replace the pinching with searing pain!

In other news I managed to find two people to move into Jasper and lachies room. One of them is an Italian named Alberto and the other is a German called Jonas. I guess now our house has become symbolic of WW2 because Hibbert is English, Susan is American, Tom is Austrlian, and I'm 1/3 French, 1/3 Polish and 1/3 Russian.

I'm really disappointed that my Italian roommate doesn't know how to cook. I asked him to teach me to make a special type of pasta, but he said he didn't know and recommended I just look online :(. On the upside, the Nazi German taught me to make Pork Schnitzle and Spaetzle with a white wine sauce. It was amazing! It was like having 20 boxes of cereal in one bowl. I managed to teach him a few Australian meals in return - Vegemite on toast, Domino's Pizza, Chicken Schnitzel and Sushi.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Still in Australia :D

I recently faced the hard cold fact that my blog isn’t really about expressing myself, entertaining others, or exaggerating my drinking tolerance. The main reason I write here is so that future matt can relive young Matt’s experiences. It’s because of this that I’ve decide to dedicate this post to communicate where I am in my life, where I think I’m going, and what I think is influencing me. Now I know you must be thinking “Gee, Matt. If you really care about future Matt that much, why don’t you contribute more to your superannuation, or take out a loan and by property, or just eat at least one healthy meal a week”? And to that I say; “umm, uhh… maybe next week?”
Let’s start with some context.
1)      Russia has found Stalin’s Dairy and mindlessly obeyed a direct order to invade part of Ukraine. The take-over was non-violent and completely successful (note, this is all I know after seeing simplified cartoons of this situation on the internet). I’m not really concerned though because my childhood experiences of playing ‘Risk’ has convinced me that no one can hold Ukraine – there’s just too many entrance points from Asia and Europe!
2)      The world cup is being played in Brazil and my roommates are currently watching most games live. Even though they were passionately optimistic of Australia’s chances, I knew there was a 99 out of 99 chance they’d lose.
3)      I’m currently lying on Coogee Beach (which is mostly deserted because it’s winter) watching the waves gently roll up to my fingertips and then disappear into the sand below as I write this blog on a notepad. I guess if you randomly find 3 sentences missing or crudely written, then that’s because I got water on that section of the paper.
And now a little bit about me currently
1)      I’ve found YouTube videos consume 90% of my time. And because I know I’ll never be able to stop the addiction I’ve decided to make the most of the situation by changing the types of YouTube videos I watch. Recently I’ve been watching inspiring clips which are from successful people/ movies giving advice. One of them said “The sum of all your previous experiences, all your conscious choices and all your efforts combine to make you the person you are today and have put you in the place you are right now”. Whilst I could tell that this was meant to be an inspiring statement, I couldn’t help but feel demotivated listening to it from my phone in my right hand while searching unsuccessfully for a full roll of toilet paper in the public bathroom with my left hand.
2)      The other 10% of my time is spent working, chilling with my roommates or playing computer games locked up in my room. The work I do at the moment is quite uninspiring and the house has become very quiet since Jasper and Lachie have left. Overall I feel like I’m in a very stagnate period of my life – I’m not challenging myself academically, not meeting different people, not involving myself in sport, nothing. My parents don’t understand why I don’t just get more involved in the community and I don’t understand either – my best guess is a mix of 2 things: a massive change in culture bought upon by the internet and also crippling laziness. That being said, I have been working on my own company recently. I’ve been making content (albeit slowly) which I plan to upload to my site. I’m paying a computer scientist $450 to make the site. Hopefully this will give me the challenge I need to pull myself out of this slump.
3)      I met a woman the other day who said she liked Shakespeare because of how he communicates human emotion so beautifully. She went on to say that HSC English prepared her with useful skills which she will continue to use in the future. This really made me reflect on how my high school English classes had left me completely unprepared all the English literary technique analysis that I come across in my daily life. Pfffttt, no! Please! I think Shakespeare is an overanalysed con artist who made up a few words and got way to much credit for it.
Consider this sentence:

“I woke up at 9:00 and took the biggest dump ever! About 40 minutes later I started drinking with my friend Timmy. We made a few fart jokes that were super clever”

This is how a mathematician would read that passage:
9:00 he took a poo
9:40 he started drinking with Timmy

This is how an English teacher would read that passage:
The passage is a metaphor for the eternal human struggle. The story of Christianity is told through the use of powerful symbolism. 9:00 denotes genesis where Adam commits the original sin. Once leaving the house (symbolic for heaven), he meets Timmy who consoles him about his mortal suffering. Clearly Timmy is a metaphor for Jesus. The final rhyme between the words “ever” and “clever” binds the story together and reinforces the idea that humanity can find eternal wisdom through the use of Jesus Christ.

4)      Anywho, I’m pretty tired now so I’m going to end this blog early and just mention that Google Glass looks really cool! Even though I’d never find any real practical benefit of using them, I want them anyway. I can’t wait till Apple comes up with their own knockoff idea – the iEye (or I’mshit)