Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I have my graduation ceremony on the 12th. After 5 long years of study I’ve accumulated all the skills I need to get a job in an Engineering company. I can use these skills to meet interesting people, go interesting places, and slowly begin my ascent up the corporate mountain. Along my journey I’ll get married, start a family and get a dog named ‘Sniffles’. Once my bank account is inflated enough to comfortably support myself and my family I’ll invest more of my time playing golf, drinking fine wine and making small of the cuff remarks to colleagues about the intellectual inefficiencies of the lower class. By the time I’ve reached retirement, technology would have reached such a level that my brain can be preserved in a vat of green bubbling liquid while my body lives on through the mechanical movements of a gold plated robot.

I can go on, but I think the sarcasm is transparent enough. Whoever ends up reading this crappy blog must really have a lot of patience with me. I mean, I hardly say anything worth any value. Let me test that patience with this post. Watch this YouTube video all the way through:


Did you watch it? I know you didn't… here let me write it again. Watch it this time.


That's better. Now write an essay about how the swimming pool in the background is a metaphor for the destructive effects of capitalism. Did you do it? No? That’s OK. I wasn’t going to read it anyway. I hate essays.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “Oh here we go again. Matt’s going to rage against the machine and be all pessimistic and shit.” Yeah, Ok, I am going to do that. But I’ll do that towards the end. That way I’ll give you guys a bit of a break.

Ok ok ok ok. I need to think of something non related to my future. Something non… related… to… my… GOT IT! OK OK! So Africa and Pablo (two Spanish peeps that studied in Australia a while back) invited me to go to London in 3 weeks. How awesome would that be! I would really love to go! I feel like a kid again asking my mum if I can play xbox with my neighbours. Except, you know, in this case my neighbours live like 17 million meters away. It would be so awesome to just throw my desk papers up in the air on a Monday morning and shout out “fuck it, I’m going to England!” But sadly reality is a harsh mistress. I’ll have to inform Pablo and Africa about my new found sanity and let them know I won’t make it. Besides, the next place I want to travel to is not England, it’s Kentucky. I simply have to know what they call “KFC” over there. Do they just call it “FC”? And how do they pronounce it? It seems a little inappropriate to me.

In other news I’m contemplating moving out a whole lot more. A pretty strange thing to do considering I just signed a year lease about a week ago. Jasper and Lachie are behaving themselves a lot more, but I still feel quite disconnected from the rest of the house and I guess I just want an abrupt change. I’m honestly entertaining the idea even though the distance I’d have to travel to work would be significantly more. I can imagine myself stepping outside of the house; encumbered by carrying all my clothes under my arms. The weight of the baggage and our beer bottle polluted front yard would make me look like an astronaut taking his first steps on the surface of the moon. “One Small step for Matt. Three thousand steps for Matt to walk to work”. I don’t know, maybe this is just a phase I’m going through. Who am I kidding, I’ve get a priceless Pac-man bottle cap artwork in my room which I can’t abandon.

I worked till 9:00pm last night trying to fix up a particular bug in my coding. I couldn't find out what the problem was so I just gave up and trotted home. In cases like that it’s nice to have a house so close. To my surprise work is actually getting much easier. I'm finding that time kinda balloons itself into one giant bubble and then bursts by the time 5:00pm pops up on the bottom right of my computer monitor. I'm unsure if I'm gaining productivity this way or losing the sporadic bursts of inspiration that I used to get. Either way, I can't help but be reminded of this scene from the music video 'Do the evolution' by Pearl Jam.

Ok so I've absent mindedly gone back to pessimistic Matt. I guess it was inevitable. Time to rage.

I guess the first thing I want to confess is that the holy book I've been reading ever since early high school has shown me the way to truth. I'm talking ofcourse about the Dilbert Comics. The great book of Dilbert was right. The prophesy has come true! Working in an office in a square cubical is dehumanizing and boring. Superiors aren't always capable of making good decisions. And most importantly, Engineers are furious at the vacuous crap that oozes out of the mouths of art students.

I'm also hating Facebook more and more too. Don't worry I'm not hopping on the bandwagon here (I'm still a hipster, guys). I don't hate Facebook because of it's surveillance on the public - I actually support that - I hate Facebook because of how everyone is turning their wall into a plaque filled with awards. That's for Linked-In guys! Not for Facebook.

Also, I'm genuinely frustrated at how society has a tendency to group people by age bracket like sheep and assort them into different pens. It seems like if your under 20 you must get a good grade in high school and either learn a skill or go to Uni. If you're between 25 and 30 you must have started on a career and be looking upward. But if you're 30 or higher you need to have a family or be working on one. I kinda wish people learned for the sake of learning. There's so much delicious information out there and it's belittled by simply learning it for the sake of practical application.

Lastly, I found out recently that a French exchange student reads every one of my blogs. I'm impressed you can put yourself through this much torture just to see whats going on in my life. I feel like I need to reward you somehow with some advice. Ok, how about this? Go to the nearest French Google office and tell them that they should start spelling 'Google' as 'Googel'. It'll sound extra French and the rest of the world will love you for it. You're welcome :)

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