Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pizza! (I know that doesn't really describe this post very well, but I figured it's attention grabbing and it sounds nice)

I went to the beach a week ago. It was a bright Saturday morning. The sunlight was so bright that if you listened carefully you could hear the flies and small bugs sizzling in the distance. I'm perfectly aware of how white I am, so I decided to pack a bucket of sunscreen with me. Wait wait wait, there's a joke here somewhere - ok ok, I'm so white that the sunscreen I put on was a darker shade than my skin! Ok, shut up at least I'm trying some impromptu comedy. I'm sorry if I don't spend every waking hour thinking of ways to be funny on my blog. Where was I? Oh yeah, I was being barbecued on the sand. When I went to work the following Monday, one of my work colleagues had the observation skills to not just notice that I was wearing sunglasses while I got sunburned, but also realize the exact type of brand of sunglasses I was wearing too! The aviator signature had burned a small tattoo into my face.

Umm what else? Oh yeah! I'm expanding my horizons and improving n' shit. I've decided that I'm going to learn how to cook a few different foods. I made homemade pizza the other day (with a pre made base of course). I added sooooo many ingredients and it actually turned out really well! Olives, eggplant, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, cheese, prawns, mushrooms, tomato paste, and fetta cheese sprinkled on top - it had it all! My parallel universe slob clone would be proud and my parallel universe high achiever clone would be reluctantly sympathetic.

Speaking of improving n' shit, I've been growing my hair out for ages now. At least 6 weeks I think. I want to claim that it's a post modern fashion statement, but secretly I just like the idea of achieving really long hair. I guess it'll be good to look back in a couple of years and be able to physically identify my lowest point in my life.

Andy is back too! He was on our couch for about a month not paying rent then traveled to Melbourne in search for a job. I guess it didn't go so well because he's back in Sydney and has already started moving the food from some of the shelves to make room for his clothes and tooth brush. I personally like the guy a lot even though my roommates are losing patience. I know he's probably just being nice to me so he can feel more welcome in our house, but it's still nice to have someone to chat with during and after work.

Oh yeah! Most importantly I've got a job with SpoonFeedMe! It's not a full time job, I just work 5 hours/ week on top of my current job. I'm happy with the arrangement because it'll be a good way to test out the company. My first task has been to investigate equipment to buy for the company to make good quality videos. I definitely invested a few more than 5 hours of my time into this, but I don't really mind since I'm being payed $30/hour. Plus I really want to do a good job because it's a $7000 decision! Dan is a very organized and intelligent bloke - he's pretty much a Jewish version of Josh Kelson.

Speaking of Josh, I still haven't met up with him since he moved about 15 minutes drive away. It's a shame because I really liked the idea of working with him on weekends to build his website.

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